Petter Solberg Sitater – Stor samling av sitater med ekte Solberg-engelsk

Petter Solberg (Bilde fra Wikipedia)

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På denne siden presenterer vi en rekke morsomme Petter Solberg sitater, med ekte Solberg-engelsk!

Petter Solberg Sitater

It’s not only only to win this race!

I came with a great fart and disappeared as a prick in the sky.

I had bad pigs in my dekk.

But but, it’s not only only.

It’s not the fart that kills you, it’s the smell.

I don’t know what you call it in England, but in Norway we call it “air condition”!

I drived and then it was a sving and a sving til, så a stein and pang – I drived rett in the juletre.

”I came around a sving, and veltet on the tak.”

The rat is loose.

“He is my wife in the car.. ehh… no sex”. (Om kartleser Phil Mills.)

I had a very big fart, and suddenly I fucked off the road.

I had a stop in the start.

“It vås so møtch dog on the vindøv.”

When I came around the corner, it all went to hælvette.

”It was a moose in the engine.”

It was a very crap swing. (Sagt for å beskrive en krapp sving. Crap=dritt)

I’m driving round the corner, and crash in the christmas tree.

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